Top-Rated Professor
Ivy Tech Community College
South Bend/Elkhart

"I've received more compliments on Don Winter's style, his methods, and his personality than any instructor in the history of the program."
---Jean Whetstone, Apprenticeship Enrollment Manager Emeritus, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Corporate College
---Jean Whetstone, Apprenticeship Enrollment Manager Emeritus, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Corporate College

"I have continually heard positive comments about [Don Winter's] classes. I wish that we could clone [him] as we need quality instructors across the state for the apprenticeship programs."
---Teresa Hess, Executive Director of Apprenticeships
---Teresa Hess, Executive Director of Apprenticeships

"Don, thank you for all that you have done over the years for our students. Ivy Tech is fortunate to have you as faculty"
--- Kathryn Waltz-Freel, Dean of Liberal Arts Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
--- Kathryn Waltz-Freel, Dean of Liberal Arts Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana